A New Prospective for a New Nepal

On 20th September 2015 when the new constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal was officially released there were applauses and sighs of relief in some parts of the country while some remained gloomy and boycotted the release. The ongoing protests in the southern region of Nepal is lured further for various interests. Discontentment and the differences still lie regarding the issue of the demarcation of the borders of the prospective federal states. However, the completion of the constitution drafting process has been remarkably acknowledged by the people. The long wait is over.

As the constitution is progressive it is a high time that the government and the people of Nepal face the right direction to move on and find the necessary sections of it that require to be amended and probably some new section that need to be added. There is definitely a new constitution now, but what's next? Is it the only thing that the people of Nepal wanted, just a constitutional book in the shelf? People must realize that the book that came after so many years of yearning, discussions and arguments is not merely enough to change the fate of the country and its people. Of course, it has opened many portals that can be turned into the gates of opportunities for various milestones in the future. But was the last constitution that failed  a real cause for the country to hold back in its development? Are the Articles or the Sections of the constitution that shape the fundamental attitude of the countrymen? Well, you might find answers in the muttering that echo throughout our tea shops, college canteens, and of course bars where all sorts of wisdom is spitted over a glass.
No one seems to be less aware of what's going on. Everyone has got his/her mode of justification. From a politician to their activists, from a drunk to a sober and from a prestigious man to a tramp everyone seems to have greater visions and dreams of new and successful Nepal. When the underground insurgent Maoists that fought the government were asked why, their answer was new Nepal with equality and prosperity and so is the answer of the political parties in the Tarai that are on protests these days. This is like the verbal wisdom from a robot without spirit.
This country has tons of problems while everyone brags about the unconditional wish for the development of country. It would probably be one of the most difficult researches ever done if attempted. Because this research would not be about the political parties that put up a poker face but instead  its about that citizen who goes to attend higher education and burns tires on the roads, hurls stones at an ambulance, goes on strike for the rise of 5 rupees in petrol and that the same person now buys fuel for as much as four times the price. This research would be about a well off family guy who sits at a nice bar sipping on his pride and avoids to know what's happening in his country, politics is a dirty game for him. This research would be about a family that buys cooking gas at as much as 850o rupees and enjoys the dinner while hundreds of poor have been queuing up empty stomach. This research would be about the futile existence of thousands of organizations that swore to  serve the nation and its people. This research can go on and on.
Whatever the findings maybe it is certain that this country hasn't been running on its own discretion. But blaming others is not a solution, it is a common sense that one must step back if the demand of the situation is beyond one's capacity. Our politician must learn that at least they shouldn't litter if they can't clean the mess.  But before that its the people that must learn to learn from the past. When the majority of the people hated these politicians how do the same faces keeping ruling us again and again? The answer starts from whether or not one is political inclined to a certain party because of the loyalty,  family relation and various opportunities. The concept must transfer  to choosing a right leader regardless of the party. If there's isn't a face you can trust, better boycott the election and have celebrated the public holiday.
If truly desired to develop this nation it's time for yet another constitution of culture and reform of traditions. Otherwise the country is prone to the rat race of money, violence, hatred and lives full of anxiety. It shall be no surprise if we suffer the most and get squeezed in the cruel economy of the world as we lack the basic fundamental skills to defend. No wonder hundreds each day leave the country for job opportunities in the golf countries. One goes on duty here but there in the golf or abroad one works on duty. The obvious difference in productivity and remuneration are the consequences of going on duty and working on duty. Of course the opportunities here are limited but that doesn't restrain one from being dutiful. Work is the backbone of the economy that fuels the nation and the world. Poverty is a big problem but it is not the only problem.
Education as the major root has failed in Nepal. The fundaments of the education is well forgotten. In stead, it is to pass exams and to produce certificates. Those responsible for the reformation have failed the most. The education must guide the culture and not the contrary. What to expect when a young boy turns 18 in the context of Nepal? Will he developed the ability to reason? Will he have the capacity to make independent choices based on his conscience? Will he move out of his family and earn his living and let his parents save the money for their retired life? How will he dignify his identity? The education must answer various questions along with those above. The world still acknowledges the beauty of this country and its people but both are deteriorating without being noticed. The hollowness is growing. The identity tangled up between beauty and poverty is hiding a lot of its unexplored regions.
We need a new prospective to see at things. As we have marked a new milestone with new constitution we better make cultural and traditional reforms to realize positive changes that the time demands.


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